Friday, March 29, 2013

the rock's making (For Good Friday)

friday's sunrise dawned soul's midnight
kinship rejected
friendship forsaken
allegiance rebuffed
trilogy of unbelief

rooster crows
self-certainty dissolved to cowardly denial
truth tastes bitter in timidity's wake
tears sear shame onto cheeks
self-inflicted grief

perfect skin torn
for one
saving his own

this test 
a dress rehearsal 
for greater future stakes

it will not always be this way
today's crumbling rock
will soon hold strong and firm
but friday's failure must come first

Thursday, March 28, 2013

My First Footwashing

I was a junior in college when I experienced it first. I remember a dinner beforehand that I didn't enjoy...I was too anxious about what was to come. Then the trip upstairs to the church parlor with other women of faith comfortable and prepared. But not me.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We Couldn't Be Happier

This March day dawned unusual for the north.
The sun shining and showing off.
The blue sky resplendent in cerulean glory.
The puffy clouds, not to be outdone, joined the party too.
Especially for March. 
Especially for Michigan.
And somewhere down deep, I choose to think 
especially for Levi.

This March day, sunshiny and brilliant,
has become my 5-year old's day of rebirth.
So many times recently he has stated his readiness.
Ready to follow Jesus.
Ready to live life with Him.
And during bible time today,
during this Holy Week,
he said again -
he's ready to pray "the special prayer".

This March day, 
during a week of holy remembrances,
becomes more holy for us.
Our flesh-son is now a spirit-brother.

This Wednesday of Holy Week,
the day before the Servant King bows low to wash feet, 
the day before bread and wine takes on new meaning,
the day before the garden agony, 
has become a day of rejoicing. 

Life has come from death.
Fruit birthed from divine sacrifice.
Blond hair bowed in surrender to Jesus.
My son reconciled to the Son.
This is why God sent Jesus.

It's just like God, 
when we least expect it,
to interrupt cloudy winter 
with bright sun. 

It's just like God, 
when we least expect it, 
to burgeon spring 
from soul's winter.

Good Friday will hold new sweetness.
Easter Sunday will be dearer.
For Levi's resurrection day has come a few days early.
And we couldn't be happier.

"What do I have to do to be saved, to really live?” 
“Put your entire trust in the Master Jesus. 
Then you’ll live as you were meant to live."
Acts 16:29-30a 
(The Message)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

48 Hours Out and I Wonder...

He's two days out from His arrest.
Jesus may not have known the specific time frame.
Certainly He feels the import of each passing moment.
To say what needs to be said.
To do what needs to be done.

It will, after all, not be long before Friend is separated from friends 
by hate disguised as swords and spears.

I wonder, on His last Tuesday, if Jesus...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Acquainted with Grief

Jesus was preparing to experience hell on earth.
His own private, personal hell.
His enemies frothing at the mouth for His extermination.
His closest friends folding under the pressure.
Thank God, He would not.

But Jesus, 
He would 
be alone 
in His suffering.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

For Palm Sunday

He entered Mt. Zion mounted on a donkey
to throngs shouting adoration.
Hosanna! Hosanna!
Blessed is he who comes in the name of Lord!

His path cloaked in palms and garments 
while hate cloaked hearts of the religious.
Save us! Save us!
Hooray for him who has come to conquer!

Crowds clamored and sinners sang praise
as desperation drove jubilation.
Hosanna! Save us!
Praises to him who is sent by Jehovah!

Good Shepherd entering den of wolves
and wolf-ish hearts attired as sheep.
Save us! Hosanna!
He is the one who has come bearing God's name!

Tear-stained eyes for wayward chicks
whose rousings would rescind to death cries.
Save! Save! Save!
Honor and glory to the Redeemer!

Milennia later, palms up in surrender and hearts laid low,
we bow before the King, the Hero who came for us.
Hosanna! Save us!
We worship You, Jesus, who has come to our rescue!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

God in My Details

God fills the expanse of the earth
and every nook and cranny of my home.

God secures the biggest picture
and is aware of the smallest detail.

God reveals Himself in the magnificent
and shows Himself astonishing in the mundane.

Here are some of my life's details where I find God...

Friday, March 22, 2013

My Best Self - Part 2

When I am loved 
I am my best self.

A direction-follower can allow 
the execution of the task 
to supersede 
the motivation of the task.
Forgetting your motivation can be bad. 
Operating with the incorrect motivation can be worse.
When it's come to time with God, 
that's often where I find myself.
Following directions 
with a mis-guided, 
or down-right just wrong motive.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Best Self - Part 1

I am really good at following directions.
Give me instructions and I am good to go.
You need not doubt I will complete the task as directed.
I can be competent, capable, reliable, steady.

At 9 years old, I surrendered my life to Jesus 
in the living room of my dad and step-mother's brick house
following a conversation about my paternal grandfather.
From that very moment, the importance of time with God
was instilled in me. 
My then senior pastor instructed me to do so.
Daily time with God was the goal.
scripture. prayer. worship.
It's never been a question of what I needed to do.
And I am good at following directions.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Artist in Hiding

I think I am doing okay and then I find her words again.
She doesn't know me.
Doesn't know this little corner of my world exists.
But I know her.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Dishwasher and My Future Son-in-Law

Two weeks ago, my 8 year old daughter, Eliana, and I were bonding over unloading the dishwasher when she asked this whopper of a question...what kind of husband do you hope I have?